Showing posts with label Pok Pok. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pok Pok. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2013

Real Deal Pad Thai aka Pok Pok's Pad Thai

Real Deal Pad Thai

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Going Home to Rainbows

Dear readers,

I took a little birthday hiatus but I am back! Thank you to all of my family and friends for celebrating with me and for making it memorable: The fiery Friday night with +Lauren Deatherage  and +Vadim Kokhnovitch  at Pok Pok, Saturday night sushi at home with Asia and Michele and the amazing soul food Sunday spread put out by my mom and dad. There will be subsequent posts elaborating more.

This post is about Michele's gift to me: Maui. We are going back in three weeks! For three weeks! And this trip will not be like any vacation we have ever taken or like any visit to Maui that we have made in the past. I started this blog with a post titled "Coming Home to Rainbows", listing all of the things we love about that little island. On this trip we will be going back with the intent to stay, finding an apartment, researching schools for Jada, taking meetings, planting the seeds of a new life there.

This process will be gradual. We will be back and forth for the next year, eventually setting down roots permanently. I hope to share the process with you here. Stay tuned!
